Meet Your 2022-2024 Executive Board

Responsible for the development and implementation of the programs and policies of the Section...Shall be the official representative of the Charlotte Section. Shall be a member of the NC State Coalition Executive Committee.

1st Vice-President:
Preside at meetings of the Section and Executive Committee in the absence of the President... Serve as Chairperson of the Program Committee to develop plans with sub-committee chairpersons for coordinating and implementing Section projects.

2nd Vice-President:
Preside at meetings of the Section and Executive Committee in the absence of the President and First Vice President. Serve as Chairperson of the Membership Committee, responsible for the development and maintenance of the membership of the Section.

3rd Vice-President:
Preside at meetings of the Section and Executive Committee in the absence of the President, 1st Vice President, and 2nd Vice President. Primarily responsible for recruiting retaining, advising, cultivating young
adult women between the ages of 21 and 39, who are members of the Section. Advise Collegiate Sections.

Recording Secretary:
Keep accurate minutes of all regularly scheduled Section meetings and provide a copy of the minutes to the membership. Take the role at Section meetings ...Keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee, including the recommendations and actions of the Executive Committee... Maintain the Section roster along with the Second Vice President.

Corresponding Secretary:
Responsible for the official correspondence of the Section. Notify members of meetings via email or telephone. Check Section mailbox regularly... Review general correspondence and provide copies to President... Update Section at the monthly meeting on National NCNW affairs. Submit all correspondence to the Assistant Recording Secretary for archival.

Establish the overall accounting system for the Section as directed by the Executive Committee; deposit all money collected by the Financial Secretary; pay all bills authorized ... Reconcile monthly bank statements with the Financial Secretary... Serve as the chairperson of the Finance Committee ...including preparation of the section Budget for review and approval ... Submit monthly written Treasurer’s report.

Financial Secretary:
Receive and record all money collected and issue receipts for same. Turn all money over to the Treasurer and receive receipts for same. Keep current the “Listing of Financial Members” and make it available to the
President, Nominating Committee, Corresponding Secretary, and Membership Chairperson for the fulfillment of their duties. Maintain accurate books.

Compiles a visual record of all Section activities and functions that includes copies of all programs, photos, activity fliers, clippings, etc. of the Section and its members. Assume responsibility for gathering and storing all Section properties... Create an annual historical summarization of the activities of the Charlotte Section ...

Quote and interpret the Bylaws and recognized parliamentary procedures to the
presiding officer and membership on request or when necessary for the proper transaction of businesses of the Section or the Executive Committee. Serve as the Chairperson of the Bylaws Committee, which involves reviewing and updating the Section’s Bylaws...

Be responsible for meditation at the beginning of meetings of the Section and for the benediction or dismissal at the time of adjournment. Provide appropriate meditations during public meetings and programs as requested by the President. Provide spiritual guidance for the Section as requested or needed. Serve as Chairperson of the Amenities Committee.

Bethune-Height Recognition Program
BHRP Team Leader will create a Section Leadership Team responsible for soliciting and documenting funds from Section members to support the State BHRP. The Team Leader(s) and the Section Presidents are required to attend the Monthly State BHRP Committee meetings which may be held as teleconferences or other methods of technology.
With appreciation to those who paved the way.
Past Presidents
2020—2022 Doris Reed
2018—2020 Hazel Gipson
2014—2018 Greta Adams
2010—2014 Doris Reed
2008—2010 Patricia Franklin
2005—2008 Claudette Walters
2004—2005 Melvina Bethea
2003—2004 Emily Ford
1992—2003 Adeline Williams
1982—1992 June Chavis Davenport
1976—1982 Ophelia (Kitty) Graves
1943—1976 Unknown